Reliability Maintenance Best Practices Assessment

Reliability Maintenance transformation plan

A common objective of a reliability maintenance transformation plan is to minimize the whole asset life cost, although there may be other critical factors such as risk or business continuity to be considered objectively in this decision making.

Aligned with the Strategic Maintenance Management Plan, a reliability maintenance transformation plan will bring together maintenance, operations, and engineering to develop and implement the required processes, technology and organization, using the best practices for reliability, maintenance work, spares, contracts and maintenance cost management, to continuously improve the value returned with a lower risk to the Business and Stakeholders using the processes and digital transformation using wisely the digital technologies available and data to improve the way things are done.

What is Reliability Maintenance Best Practices Assessment? 

Know your organization existing strengths and capabilities in Reliability and Maintenance. An objective, independent review of the current status will support you to develop a roadmap that can include the opportunities for digitalization. 


What is Reliability Maintenance Best Practices? 

Reliability Maintenance Management is a set of interrelated activities that includes the design for reliability, operability, maintainability, safety and inspectability (ROMSI), the development and revision of maintenance and calibration plans, considering the criticality and condition of the asset and criteria for creating effective maintenance and calibration plans on the EAMS/ CMMS that allows the coordination, follow-up and tracking of functions that maintain the equipment, tools and related assets to ensure their availability for manufacturing and ensure scheduling for reactive, periodic, preventive, or proactive maintenance, involving the balancing of costs, resources, opportunities and risks against the desired performance to achieve an organization’s objectives. 

Reliability Maintenance Best Practices are the compilation of a group of processes that allow companies to reach world class results. 


SMART Digitalization for Reliability Maintenance 

Technology innovation are driving business to transform the traditional way of work in Reliability Maintenance using digitalization, expecting that this change will contribute to manage risk and improve cost, performance, quality and safety.  

Digitalization can improve processes, providing new methods and opportunities for the business if the digital transformation is evaluated using a value chain business model, considering that the value created is higher than the cost of creating the value. After the transformation, sustainability is a must, so it is required to change the processes and adapt the skills to this new way of working.

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Reliability Maintenance Management

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